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Institute for Technology

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Stay in the know

How to stayed informed on campus.
In the event of a campus emergency, Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology may use a variety of tools to communicate to the campus and the public. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the available ways to stay in touch.

Police Department

Know who to call when you need help.
Our OSUIT Campus Police Department is committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment for all students, staff, and visitors. Led by our Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police, our team includes a dedicated Sergeant and full-time, CLEET-certified police officers.

Parking on Campus

Know where to park.
Parking passes are required for all students and employees of Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology. Apply today and learn more about the rules for vehicles on campus.


We're here to help.
At Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology, we recognize the importance of transparency and safety on our campus. While criminal incidents can occur at any college, we are committed to thoroughly investigating and publicly sharing details about these incidents.