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Institute for Technology

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Emergency Procedures

Fire Response in Campus Buildings

In the event of a fire, follow these steps:

  1. Activate the Alarm: Immediately trigger the building’s fire alarm system.
  2. Assist Those in Danger: Help anyone in immediate danger, if it’s safe to do so.
  3. Contain the Fire: If the fire is small, use a fire extinguisher to try and control it. Do not attempt to fight the fire if:
    • The fire is too large or uncontrollable (larger than a small trash can).
    • The atmosphere is toxic.
    • Your initial efforts to extinguish the fire are unsuccessful.
  4. Evacuate: If the fire cannot be controlled, leave the building immediately.
    • Close doors and windows as you exit, if possible.
    • Check closed doors for heat with the back of your hand before opening.
    • Use stairwells, not elevators.
  5. Evacuate Immediately: When the fire alarm sounds, everyone must leave the building at once.
  6. Ensure Safety: Once outside, move across the nearest street to allow emergency crews access.
  7. Call for Help: If emergency personnel are not already on the scene, dial 918-293-5000 from a safe location.

On-Campus Housing Residents: Refer to the OSUIT Resident Handbook for additional safety policies. Fire drills are conducted each semester in all campus housing units.


Gas Leak Procedures

In the event of a gas leak:

  1. Cease Operations: Stop all activities immediately.
  2. Avoid Electronics: Do not switch lights on or off.
  3. Evacuate: Leave the building as quickly as possible, alerting others as you go.
  4. Call for Help: Once safe, dial 918-293-5000.
  5. Stay Clear: Do not re-enter the building until cleared by the OSUIT Police Department or another authority.

Power Outage Procedures

In case of a power outage:

  1. Report the Outage: Call 918-293-5000 to report the situation.
  2. Evacuate if Necessary: If evacuation is required, use stairways and avoid elevators.
  3. Assist Others: Provide help to disabled persons if it’s within your ability.